Bladerunner 2 Helicopter

We never believed it possible. A tiny super-lightweight RC helicopter that even a monkey could fly, and they're rubbish at that sort of thing. You simply charge it from the mains (the more charges you give it, the better the flying ability - as the battery gets boosted up), and off you go. The counter-rotating double blades are the secret to making it easy to fly, as they stop the usual torque spin you get from a standard single rotor helicopter. To control the amount of torque, there's a trim slider, so you simply have to adjust this (much as you would a trim control on an RC car) to find the perfect balance. It hovers with ease and is remarkably tough considering they've had to make it out of such lightweight materials. We pranged it into various people while we got the hang of it (though we strongly suggest you don't do this at home!) and it took the knocks of our novice flying technique remarkably well. Most RC helicopters are extremely difficult to fly (because they fly just like the real things, which are deeply complicated) and are very very expensive, because they have so many carefully balanced and complicated parts all of which break very easily. This is by far the most awesome indoor flier we've come across - it's very lightweight and simple to operate. It comes completely assembled and ready to fly, has a range of up to 20m, and will fly for between 3-7 minutes per charge and when you're flying a helicopter around the room, that feels like a very long time!! Features: Colours may vary * 27 MHz, 40 MHz, 49 MHz controller * Real helicopter performance * Omni-directional flight * Precision control * Comes completely assembled * Full function radio control * Ready to fly * Suitable for ages 10+ * 6-8 minutes' flight time on a single charge * Perfect for indoor flight * Stable hover and full 3-D flight * Revolutionary CoAxial Rotor Technology * New, improved weight of only 50g * Completely stable in flight * Flight range up to 60ft (20m) * Transmitter * Charger for 3.7V Lithium Polymer rechargeable battery (built in to helicopter) * AC adapter for recharging helicopters * Requires 1x 9V battery for transmitter (not included). * Rotor diameter: 29cm * Length: 40.6cm