Rhythm Sticks.

Drumsticks that don't need a drum - holy wonderment! Each of these wicked drumsticks a.k.a Rhythm Sticks has a speaker in its base, and when you 'hit' the air with them, they make a great drum sound! Is this just us, or isn't this like everyone's dream come true? You'd think so if the racket going on round here was anything to go by. Any time someone cracks a joke there's a scramble for the stix so someone can do a drum roll and cymbal crash. Switches on the sticks let you choose between a classical drum beat, an electronic drum beat (so we can all drum along to the intro of East Enders now) and a cymbal crash and the ends even light up with each beat - vital for night drumming. There are many, no doubt, that will wish these things came with headphones. Well tough, they just dont understand that us drummers need to make a lot of noise. That's the whole point of drumming. If you only get one set of these, then you're going to have a lot of fighting on your hands from everyone else who'll be desperate to have a go.